How to Draw the Hardest Pokemon in the World TUTORIAL

1 Arceus Arceus is a legendary Pokémon from the Pókemon series. He get-go appeared in the 18th Pokémon film alongside other Legendary Pokémon.

It's not surprising, because that in that location'due south going to exist an upcoming Pokemon game with Arceus every bit the main antagonist. He was probably the one who possessed all those Pokemon to go vehement, every bit what I've seen in recent trailers. Seriously, Arceus has the power to do just that? "Pokemon are terrifying creatures!" Now, let's see if it rings true.

It'south justified to be the strongest of all pokemon considering it created the rest of them. Too those shards are really helpful and kickass

I don't believe that arceus is number i. I thought arceus would exist third or second. He is the strongest sayian in history
Without him no one can get destroyed. He has more than than thousand forms.

Arceus the god pokemon with his signature motion Judgment. Excluding megas, he has the highest stat full. When the cosmos trio were fighting Arceus (in the movie Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of life), they can't lay a finger on him! Even with Dialga in the battle, the tables won't turn! He also destroyed a giant meteoroid (he got hurt just because he crashed into it but he could've used dragon pulse and Judgment in fighting type)! He is the strongest pokemon e'er! The only thing that sucks was his voice acting; Mewtwo's voice histrion in the beginning movie was way ameliorate.

2 Mewtwo Mewtwo is a fictional animate being from Nintendo and Game Freak'due south Pokémon media franchise. It was created by Dr. Fuji in an endeavour to clone Mew.

Aye Mewtwo is great and all, but he own't the most powerful. How tin can a Mewtwo beat the creator of everything (AKA Arceus)? The one that knows everything? The i that has quite literally all the power in the world? Reply is he tin't, this is simply weird how some people think some very powerful characters can vanquish or even impale immortal, all powerful, creators of the universe, I really don't get it. People take to get-go using their brain more, and I don't hateful that every bit an insult, some people have their bias towards things equally well as an opinion. I'm just proverb, logically Arceus is far above all other Pokemon.

Mewtwo is the best
Mewtwo is number one e'er. He has awesome stats. He can acquire basically whatever move. When I go upwardly against the elite four I can utilize him and only him I do not accept to use whatsoever potion either because all of hits hits are ko's

The near powerful easily down! His physic powers are second to none. Mewtwo cannot be defeated goodbye any other Pokemon. Despite what anyone said that mew is the only ane that can become toe to toe with him is wrong. The reason why is that Mewtwo is simply a level above mew. Theirs only 2 Pokemon that stands a chance against him and their names are Deoxys for being ane that smashed Rayquaza in the movie and has the special power to transform to speed, attack, and deference. And Jirachi, yeah that's right I said Jirachi, for his wish ability to either brand him the powerful or Mewtwo the almost weakest of all Pokemon. And information technology's a steel and physic type to make a vary difficult opponent.

Mewtwo is the strongest of them all, even more than powerful than arcus. Arceus didn't create mewtwo, so he has no upshot on mewtwo. And arceus 17 plates are completely useless against mewtwo because mewtwo will eventually learn how to pause them. And mewtwo can drain arceus ability, which arceus can't practise. He can only blot attacks. Even mew is as powerful equally arceus. Arceus is a nigh omnipotent god, while mewtwo is considered as an omnipotent anti god, anti gods are infinity times stronger than all the gods combined. And mewtwo can also take on any form, considering mew can practise so. But arceus can't turn into mewtwo. Mewtwo could plow into arceus, mewtwo could imitate arceus and using his psychic ability he could copy and learn all of arceus powers instantly. When arceus tin can't evolve only mewtwo evolves to mega mewtwo, then shadow mewtwo, and then mega shadow mewtwo and finally ultimate mega shadow mewtwo ten, the universe destroyer. Mega mewtwo has all the cosmos (everything within and beyond space which ...more than

3 Rayquaza Rayquaza is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak'due south Pokémon franchise. It lives in the ozone layer, and ofttimes stops battles with Kyogre and Groudon, two other Legendaries.

With base stats of 105/180/100/180/100/115 in its mega evolved form, it has the highest full base stat number of 780. Non only are these stats extremely well rounded on the defensive side, it's an offensive powerhouse that can also agree any other item similar a life orb for example. Information technology also has the Delta Stream ability which completely negates all fly blazon weaknesses, significant it's only weak to water ice (2x), dragon, and fairy all while keeping the flying type resistances.

The base stats of Mega Rayquaza already brand it a top tier Pokemon. The fact that it can concord any other item and as well has the Delta Stream ability pushes information technology to the top in my opinion.

Technically Mega Rayquaza IS the strongest Pokemon with base stats (tied with Mewtwo'southward mega forms) at a total of 780! That's tons compared to nigh Pokemon. It'south too OP that it was banned from the banned tier from Smogon. The ONLY Pokemon in the Anything Goes tier merely. Mega Rayquaza is a beast in the competitive point of view. It has an ability that cancels out all flight type weaknesses (Ice, stone and electrical), it doesn't need a mega stone to mega evolve, so it can concord an particular AND be mega, it has access to dragon ascension, which is one of the most powerful moves in the game. Rayquaza can be concrete, or special, information technology has a large motion pool, and like I said, astonishing stats. It may non be my all time favourite Pokemon, but information technology is the strongest by stats, mega, moves, and ability. Tiers? More like. Tears.

Rayquaza, with Dragon Rise, Draco Shooting star and Convulsion tin can knock out Whatever Pokemon except a select few in TWO HITS.

The select few? Skarmory and Lugia. That's what swords dance is for.

Arceus? one-shot with Dragon Ascent, otherwise Earthquake.
Mewtwo? 1-shot.
Central Groudon? 2-shot with Earthquake.
Whatsoever dragon except Mega Altaria? 1-shot with Draco Shooting star. That means Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, you proper name it.

Now let's look at defences. It has one immunity, six resists with Delta Stream including a 4x resist, and iii weaknesses. Meaning? To impale it you lot demand Ice, Fairy or Dragon.

Dragon dies to Draco Meteor. Ice

Rayquaza is the all-time pokemon, no questions asked. It's sorry to run into that the strongest reasoning for it is that "it has a potent hyper beam" when there'south then much more than. Offset off, it's tied with Mewtwo's megas for highest base of operations stats, merely it doesn't even need to hold a mega rock. This allows it to hold a focus sash or something, which will allow it to win most whatever 1v1 with its 180 base of operations assault and sp. assail, which tin can tear through nearly annihilation with a stab draco falling star or dragon rising. Its ability delta stream is besides an INSANELY good defensive ability. Surely a stone border or thunder tin can kill it, correct? Nope. Delta Stream removes all flying weaknesses, which allows it to shrug off electric and footing. It'south still weak to dragon, fairy, and water ice, merely its movepool contains iron head, which only probably only mega mawile can alive, and can hands destroy ice with fighting and fire moves. Speaking of fire, it as well gets access to the move with the highest damage in the game (excluding ...more

4 Mew Mew is one of the fictional species of creatures from Nintendo's and Game Freak's Pokémon media franchise created past Satoshi Tajiri.

Mew is the "origin" of Pokemon It's Pokemon entries land that it possesses the Deoxyribonucleic acid of all Pokemon. It can learn any move which would allow it to featherbed resistances, making Arceus's Multi-type about useless since mew can modify its assail types equally Arceus changes its own type. Tin transform into any Pokemon including other legendaries, which would allow it to change its resistances and weaknesses whenever needed likewise every bit larn stats and abilities that would ameliorate benefit it in any given situation. In the starting time Pokemon movie it is seen fighting head to head with Mewtwo without losing any ground, and in this case he was fighting but using Psychic attacks, and without the need for transformation. Not to mention Mewtwo was created from Mew'due south DNA.

Statwise, it'south impressive. Non jaw-dropping, just impressive. It's incredibly immense move pool also really helps it be a viable team member. Mew was too the "original fable". All other legendaries could exist accessed in game. We all idea Mewtwo was the ultimate, concluding catch. Nosotros were wrong. Only those who cheated or went to events got this extra special Pokemon. But we aren't voting for Mew based on just the game (s). Nosotros're voting based on the pic (s) as well. When Mewtwo started trashing all the trainer'south Pokemon in the first picture show, he seemed invincible. And we truly thought it to be and then. Until this ambrosial little pink Pokemon stole our hearts when it deflected Mewtwo's shadow brawl. It too helped save the world again along with Lucario (another favorite of mine). It's cuddly. It'southward playful. It'south powerful. It'southward mew. I honey Mew, and it is the all-time. And no ane can convince me otherwise. Glad to come across it'southward and then high up the list

Sad mew fans, but I'm here to tell the truth. Yeah mew can learn many moves, but not all of them. Information technology tin can only learn the moves if yous give it the tm, not by giving some guy a heart scale. Meaning, information technology can learn 100 new attacks it already cannot learn. Also, Mewtwo can crush the crap out of mew, because of its overpowered stats, and it learning shadow ball. And did I also mention that Mewtwo can mega evolve? Merely Mewtwo will be beaten up by rayquaza, a stronger version of Mewtwo. Because 1. It tin mega evolve without a mega stone 2. In lodge to permit it mega evolve, you take to let it learn dragon ascent, a very overpowered attack 3. Swords dance+extreme speed+dragon ascent= win. By the mode, mew didn't create all of the Pokemon, gamefreak did

Undoubtedly 1 of the strongest (and rarest) Pokemon ever, Mew can learn every motion (well, most every, at that place are some rare & exclusive ones, though). Mew tin turn invisible and transform into whatever Pokemon, and was the only one able to stand up to Mewtwo in the first movie. I wouldn't say that mew is the strongest, just because of Mewtwo, with two mega evolutions. I'm suprised that Hoopa wasn't upward here, as in the 18th movie, he was summoning legendaries just to test his strength. I'm guessing (and hoping) that mew volition somewhen get a primal/mega form, perhaps making him the strongest pokemon.

v Giratina Giratina is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak'due south Pokémon franchise. Created past Ken Sugimori, Giratina offset appeared in the video games Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, but gained prominence in the sister game, Pokémon Platinum, which it was made the mascot of.

He looks and so cool he should exist on 2nd place in the list he can turn invisible and he tin can grab pokemon whith his easily has 2 versions of itself should be on 2nd place.

Giratina was a total BEAST. It knows Destiny Bail! So when he/she/information technology (I'll telephone call it he by the fashion) is defeated, the opponent is dead too! Giratina could literally beat anyone. Shadow Force is like a 10x stronger move than Phantom Force, and information technology can intermission through all protections! Information technology should exist number ii or one because, um, Arceus is bit way likewise potent? Ok, wait. Did you lot guys realize something terribly good well-nigh Giratina. Pikachu, the "Large BOSS POKEMON" in the anime used Thunderbolt on Giratina and nothing happens. In Arceus and the jewel of life Arceus was screaming in pain and yelling. Then Giratina could literally beat Arceus likewise by simply stealing ane of Arceus'south plate by Shadow Forcing behind Arceus and accept ane plate while Arceus isn't paying attending. Oh, so Giratina Can beat Arceus!

A lot of you guys sound ike you're derping, especially the guy who wrote virtually Kyurem and the people who voted for Charizard. Personally, I believe Arecus is the strongest Pokemon, and that Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia, as well known every bit his FIRST creations and the beings of fourth dimension, infinite, and antimatter themselves, should exist tied for second, and and then maybe Mewtwo. Personally, I've always institute Giratina to exist slightly stronger than his brethren due to his ability to modify forms, but that's my opinion. Anyway, thanks for back up and you guys who voted for f#king MEW and CHARIZARD demand to close upward and stop smoking on your nostalgia.

Outset of all, I believe Giratina has a swell design overall. It has ii forms, along with its ain piddling pocket dimension, giving it an interesting background. As one of the v beginning Pokemon, information technology has command over antimatter, albeit granted this part past Arceus. It also has resistances granted to it by its Dragon and Ghost types. Its signature motility, Shadow Strike, allows it to strike right throw your Protect, Spiky Shield, King'southward Shield, or whatever other protection you accept. This is what makes Giratina my favorite Pokemon.

6 Dialga Dialga, known in Nihon as the same proper name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Information technology tin turn back time similar if arceus would attack the Earth it could turn back time to when a Human betreyed it why is it on sixth place it should be on 3rd identify.

Just a few things
Most resistances of whatsoever legendary
Second to the lowest degree weaknesses of any legendary (subsequently Palkia, merely Palkia has much less resistances)
Immune to toxicant (improve than Giratina's 2-3 immunities since Giratina has less resistances and more weaknesses)
Roar of time wipes the floor with any Pokemon. With the Adamant Orb Roar of Time is the most powerful Pokemon motion ever.
Resistant to dragon moves (most powerful dragon type)
Can beat any legendary (except Arceus and maybe Mewtwo) fifty-fifty Black/White Kyurem despite having xx stats less.
Learns several different types of moves.

Dialga and Palkia are both great both actually and competitively, merely I give the slight edge to Dialga.
1. One of 2 Dragons (every bit far as I know) that resists Fairy (The other is Dragalge, who is not as good).
two. Roar of Time/Flash Cannon + Determined Orb = Lots of Damage.
3. Give Dialga an air balloon, and it is but weak to fighting, and zip else.
iv. Dialga overall has very good moves, and can encompass a diversity of types.
5. He looks great, then of course he is proficient.
Overall, Dialga is a very good pokemon, and I hope that in the Sinnoh remakes, Primal Dialga becomes office of the main serial games, because in Mystery Dungeon, he was a god.

Dialga with his adamant orb and roar of fourth dimension it can beat any pokemon in one motion, Dragon Blazon Dragon Type Move Determined Orb already 2.0 damage and the move is already ridiculously strong with 150 ability. Also without this motility Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, and Earth Power are more than enough to accept down anything with Dialga's Insane special assault.

7 Lugia Lugia, known in Japan as the same name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Lugia is a immense, draconian Pokemon with two giant wings which has a lot of power.
Lugia has the power to force per unit area, which causes the opposing Pokemon to double its pp usage in battles. It is known as the guardian of seas, Lugia is tremendously intelligent and is very gentle with the life effectually it, despite his colossal size.
Due to the fact information technology blow away houses in i single flap of its wings it lies at the lesser of the bounding main. It is the guardian and then it tin talk like man beings it'southward a really adept advantage

Are nosotros basing strength off of mythology or strength in the competitive Pokemon game?

If in mythology, information technology'south likened to God by being able to flap its wings and cause a storm like to that of the Great Inundation that cleansed the world, aka don't piss him off or he'll wipe out the human race.*

Competitively, he's a tank as well. 106/130/154 Defenses with Multiscale? Any Pokemon slower than him will take a difficult fourth dimension getting past his toxic stalling power. (with an admitted exception in Kyurem-White and Black, whose ability negate Multiscale yech) Oh, and Whirlwind will stop many sweepers in their tracks, including the deadly Ability Herb+Geomancy Xerneas. Although his set on and special attack are abysmal (simply 90 Special Set on LOL), he doesn't need it to stall you to death.

*not that he volition. He knows of his own immense power, and deliberately seals himself away considering of that. What a nice guy.

Lugia isn't just a corking Pokemon, it's a well rounded 1 equally well. It's aeroblast is hands among the strongest moves in Pokemon, and it's typing, flying psychic, likewise as it'south incredible move pool, consisting of many moves y'all would not expect a flying- psychic to take, as well as an insane amount of water type moves at it's desposal. Lugia is hands my favorite legendary Pokemon, and my 5th favorite Pokemon overall, considering lets admit, he'due south one of the biggest baddasses Pokemon will ever run into.

As seen in the pokemon movie the ability of one, this pokemon can talk like meowth, absurd right?! Information technology'south so powerful that he lies in the bottom of the ocean, one flap of its wings can cause a 40 day storm, one of its signature move is aeroblast, its just huffin air and blasting it!

8 Palkia Palkia, known in Japan as the same name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak'south Pokémon franchise.

I telephone call Palkia "King Of The Ocean" alongside Carracosta and Kyogre. Seriously, I thought it's psychic type! Look at it's pink body and purple stripes! Basically it'south the coolest thing ever. (It's i of the cosmos trio! Arceus worked with the cosmos trio equally well as the lake guardians to create the Pokémon world, so that means if Palkia is not here the earth would have no space! Dialga brings fourth dimension, Uxie brings knowledge, Azelf or Mesprit brings emotion and willpower. And then basically that means Palkia is also the creator or the Pokémon world. Only too awesome, dudes) Arceus is truly strong, but Palkia is perhaps as strong as Arceus(I call back).

Palkia is the srongest of the creation trio every bit it tin can conrol space and in the motion-picture show defeated dialga and was going to assault girantina simply arceus intercepted it with judgement. Palkia in the Pokemon games can be very difficult to defeat and the histrion can just defeat the elite iv and champion cynthia if he has palkia or i of the other creation trio members. Palkia likewise has the power to create new universes with only a weep and can defeat every legendary Pokemon besides arceus

Palkia can distort space and within a distorted space time can't even catamenia nor there is any stability with any Pokemon, it even independent Arceus in its distorted space and prevented his escape for a while... so, appropriately should exist in one of height 5, not on basis of game mechanics but on Pokemon world reality...

Palkia is totally crawly! It's like the kickoff Pokemon in a movie to actually most destroy the whole main town. Plus information technology'due south the guardian of infinite which makes it EPIC!

nine Kyurem Kyurem, known in Japan every bit the same proper name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak'due south Pokémon franchise.

Let'southward look at a REAL powerhouse:

A base 170 special attack and access to the near powerful dragon type motion (that'southward applied) in draco meteor. Combined with selection specs this is one of the most powerful attacks in the game. The top ten can't brag abou that. Y'all also take admission to water ice beam and fusion flare to give even more options to shread your precious Arceus. (being god doesn't hateful anything. Competitive battling wouldn't be if you're correct most his power). Oh, and a skillful base of operations 120 attack. Kyurem-B can't brag an ice blazon motion on information technology's main stat, attack. For existent, do research earlier yous vote on Pokemon that don't deserve it. (looking at you, charizard)

1: 700 best. 2nd to but Arceus, Mega Mewtwo, and Mega Rayquaza.

two: Assail and Special Assail (depending on whether fused with Reshiram or Zekrom) shoots through the roof. Ties up Rayray and Mewtwo in the higher stat.

3: What happens if yous fuse Kyurem with *both* Reshiram and Zekrom? Bask your 900 best cannon that is, at most, forced to agree DNA Splicers or something.

4: Kyurem Origin, as in a higher place. Arceus created Sinnoh? Kyurem created Unova. As well, space and time are nothing compared to all of yin and yang.

Look here, the Kyurem is original piece of the legendary Pokemon that has created the Unova region, and then this Pokemon actually has a lots of potential...

If any of you played Pokemon black and white 2, it actually have more stuff about this, but the Kyurem, Reshiram, Zekrom were one Pokemon, and Kyurem is basically the centre piece

If y'all fuse those three Pokemon, dude, that would be similar, stronger than all the arceus put together!

Even in the flick it says this is the most powerful pokemon of all time this should be first! It is the well-nigh powerful because it is kinda similar a combination of the blackness and white in pokemon black & white! This should be first! It's the strongest pokemon and it bodily says so in the movie. Maybe mew and mew 2 might be stronger but this is definitely pretty potent and stronger than reshiram or zekrom!

ten Darkrai Darkrai, known in Japan as the same proper noun, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

You know why I love Darkrai?
Not because he'due south awesome-which he is-but because of his role in the 10th movie.

I was injured, alone and unloved, when a immature daughter, Alicia was falling from a cliff. Darkrai saved it.
Then he befriended Alicia's descendants. Its one real friend, withal, was near to die.
Palkia and Dialga battle, surrounded the whole metropolis in a mystic white veil, where if anyone runs into information technology, they return to the city.
As the boxing continues, Darkrai is suspected, and receives gigantic hate from anybody except Ash, his companions, and his i friend.
The urban center starts to melt away as the battle commences.
He is determined to save his one friend ever, merely when he gets hit past Roar of Time and special rend, he sacrifices himself for the city.
This proves that any being can accept a soul, and information technology makes me want to cry that a being then hated, would save anybody.

Please. Lets have darkrai from number 10 to number i.

My darkrai absolutely kicks butt. I utilise dark void and dream eater if they wake up and exercise some damage restart the cycle and considering of dream eater I'm at total health. His ability which slowly drains at that place health is cracking incase y'all can't attack. Information technology's a corking Pokemon it's only flaw are Pokemon with insomnia, electric terrain or beingness ane shot which I highly doubt unless the opponent is fighting of fairy

Honestly fifty-fifty in game he can crush the top pokemon on this list. I took out my friends whole team with simply darkrai (he used arceus, keldeo, reshiram and other legendaries). because my darkrai has timid nature he goes commencement similar all the fourth dimension so I just put them all to sleep with dark void and used calm mind heaps and just swept his whole squad with dark pulse.

Darkrai should be at to the lowest degree 5th considering of its power to put somebody comatose and requite them horrible nightmares, in this time Darkrai can use shadow brawl or something. I recall Lugia should be 10 because its only abilities are to breathe water, and cause hurricanes when Darkrai is basically Freddy Krueger.

The Contenders

11 Deoxys Deoxys, known in Japan as the aforementioned name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

It has multiple forms that lets it have the highest stats in everything just speed (browbeaten past Regieleki). In my opinion, really overpowered.

It can have the highest stat in almost every category, and each grade allows it to alter said stats to it's reward. In the Pokemon universe, I would say that Deoxys is most likely the strongest e'er discovered. While Mewtwo was created from Mew by man, and Mew created Pokemon on Earth and then to speak, Deoxys evolved from an extraterrestrial organism and plant it's fashion to Globe. Arceus even got sealed up in some liquid metal broth in the movie and couldn't exercise anything. If annihilation, the only Pokemon that could stand up to Deoxys in matters of stat balance would exist Mewtwo and Mew in the Pokemon universe. All other Pokemon would be wise to fear a misunderstood Deoxys, since that was the case in Destiny Deoxys.. and looked what happened to Rayquaza in that location. No questions asked, Deoxys is the most powerful at it's maximum potential. I'd assume that would be how to properly rate these. When they are at their best.

Deoxys in attack forme possesses the highest Attack and Special Set on the Pokemon Universe. Deoxys in defense class posesses the highest Defense and Special Defense force in the Pokemon Universe. Deoxys in Speed Forme possesses the highest Speed in the Pokemon Universe. Fifty-fifty in Normal Forme it has baking speed coupled with insane assault and Special Set on.
Information technology has a huge movepool with access to the devastating Psycho Boost that destroys well-nigh every Pokemon, and hit with unparalleled ability with other insane moves with impeccable type coverage such equally Water ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Dark Pulse, Shadow Brawl, Superpower and Extremespeed. Has been shown to take incredible regenerative abilities, reflected in its ability to instantly recover off damage.

Deoxys (in my opinion) is the strongest Pokemon after Arceus, equally it'south i of the fastest (I think is the fastest) Pokemon in speed grade and it'due south attack and special attack are super loftier in set on form. Certain information technology has bad defense in the game, merely in the motion picture and manga it can regenerate and create clones of itself. In the manga, Deoxys was crushing Mewtwo, but Mewtwo got lucky. (Read if u don't believe me) Have I mentioned that Deoxys came from outer space! Deoxys should definitely be in the top 5 of strongest Pokemon. And in the games, just give Deoxys a focus sash in assail form and information technology will pretty much exist able to down any Pokemon for certain. Deoxys was as well trashing Rayquaza, but Rayquaza got lucky.

12 Magikarp Magikarp, known in Japan as Koiking, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak'due south Pokémon franchise. It resembles an orange fish with whiskers. It was created by Ken Sugimori, Magikarp first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and subsequent sequels. It is a water type that evolves more.

The only reason why Splash doesn't exercise any damage is because its power goes around twice on the HP bar and so you don't notice the damage. In reality, whatsoever of your Pokemon that has battled a Magikarp has fainted at least in one case. You tin can tell they fainted because they hate you afterward every Magikarp battle.

Strongest Pokemon. E'er. No ane tin own it with it's infinity impairment Splash.

Everyone telling you Magikarp is trash is lying.
I used strength on the truck and got Magikarp, not Mew, proving Magikarp was the 1 true god all along.

Magikarp's splash is so powerful it glitches the hp bar like many of the missing nos, that'due south right, Magikarp space kills y'all, he's just then powerful technology cannot fully express it yet. Pokemon Brown Bidoof version on the 'Nintendo 5DS-I XL Lite Portable' is when we'll probably finally see this god actually utilise his power.
If y'all ever manage to notice one of these red fishy gods, be certain non to evolve it into Gyrados, else he becomes trash and descends into a lame, ungodly, mortal country simply like all the other pokemon.

Splash is basically the all-time pokemon move ever, not to mention Magikarp's amazing forcefulness and volition power. Fable says it can jump over Two buildings with a single splash, different Superman who tin can only jump over ane. I likewise heard that it tin cook steel beams more effectively than George Bush so I mean there couldn't possibly be a pokemon able to contend with Magikarp. Overall, Magikarp is the truthful god of pokemon, it has everything you've always dreamed of and he always destroys the competition. Arceus is information technology'south slave and Mewtwo polishes it'due south shoes/ fins. Brute.

13 Zekrom Zekrom, known in Japan as the aforementioned name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak'southward Pokémon franchise.

Zekrom makes an amazing mixed sweeper because of how great the stats are mixed. He can have out the occasional Ho-oh that a trainer sends out, and with one simple Dragon Dance it is an extremely fast and powerful sweeper that can wipe out most everything it sees. I've fifty-fifty seen it sweep a dragon-type Arceus in one hit without any stat boosts. These things are monsters.

Zekrom destroys Reshiram even though Reshiram has better typing fire/dragon. simply Reshiram in my opinion was disappointing first of all Zekrom has Way better blueprint than Reshiram Blue electricity now that is cool too Reshiram has that normal fire simply like any other fire type pokemon but virtually electric pokemon has xanthous electricity. Zekrom should at least be on no 10 spot.

Zekrom has outstanding assault! Its moves fusion bolt and bolt strike can hurt a Pokemon badly!

Beast! Fusion bolt tin can destroy a ground type Pokemon at level 75! He is dominate. Sorry if yous like reshiram but fire types tin't compare to zekrom. He. Is. The. Best. Pokemon. Merely ties to me with Greninja. I honey my Greninja named squishy.

14 Groudon Groudon, known in Japan every bit the same proper name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

OH MY GOSH. Those of you who didn't vote for this guy Clearly haven't faced its Primal course. Key Groudon is a TOTAL BEAST. Information technology gains the Fire type, which seems okay, as it makes it even weaker to Water-blazon moves, but so you lot see its ability: Desolate Land. It turns the sunlight extremely harsh, so not only does it boost the power of Fire-type moves, but it completely nullifies the effect of all H2o-type moves. But put, this affair is COMPLETELY UNSTOPPABLE. People say Mega Rayquaza is OP, but I tin bargain with that 1. What I tin can't bargain with is THIS large red monster.

Groudoun has 3 weaknesses: water, ice, grass. But now he has a red orb, which tin can evaporate water so h2o is no longer a problem. He turns to fire type when he uses the orb so goodbye bye ice and grass. But sadly he gains a new weakness which is ground. Then he loses 3 weaknesses but in return for gaining 1 weakness. Do the math people iii-ane=2 the orb gets rid of ii weaknesses for him. If he doesn't have the orb, then he screwed

Groudon's weaknesses are water, ice and grass. Drought (Groudon'south power that makes the dominicus polish) lowers water's effectiveness and ups burn down'south (which is super effective confronting ice and grass). Kyogre's ability makes thunder have a 100% hit hazard. Kyogre has nothing on Groudon.

Fundamental Groudon is the most effective Pokemon I've ever played with and has only i weakness, footing. If he's primal, h2o moves evaporate which makes them essentially useless, and grass and water ice take no run a risk so that only leaves ground. The only Pokemon he is arguably better is Primal Kyogre. Simply even and then, he is still the best.

15 Mega Mewtwo Y

One of the strongest forms of human intellect with its blood brother Mega Mewtwo 10.this bad boy is not a great physical fighter like X but his special set on is something to die for and has strong psychic powers

How is this pokemon ranked 16th? This pokemon is the mega evolved version of a pokemon that can destroy Arceus, Mewtwo. This pokemon is stronger than Mega Mewtwo X! This is the best pokemon of ALL TIME. Mega Mewtwo Y should exist ranked 1st, Mega Mewtwo 10 should be ranked 2nd and Mewtwo should be ranked 3rd. Arceus is weaker than Magikarp (my opinion) and I have no thought why Arceus is ranked 1st. People who retrieve Arceus is the all-time, they don't know what pokemon is. Mega Mewtwo is fully hectic. It'due south the greates and the best-est pokemon always. BEAT THAT.

Mega Mewtwo Y is the best pokemon ever. Cypher tin beat information technology. If any pokemon can crush Mega Mewtwo Y, it would happen in 100,000 years. If anyone thinks that this pokemon deserves to be ranked 16th, they don't what pokemon is. I think this should be ranked number i. This is the mega evolved version of a pokemon that can destroy Arceus in a few hits, Mewtwo. Mega Mewtwo is similar.. i,000 times better than Mewtwo then it can beat Arceus in like.. 1 hit. Null tin beat this! Also the pokemon I fabricated.

Yup, information technology'south base stats are higher than arceus' and it'south constructive capacity may not rival arceus', but information technology'southward destructive capacity absolutely does.

16 Yveltal Yveltal is a fictional animal in the Pokemon Franchise. Introduced in the 6th gen, Yveltal is a legendary Dark/Flying type Pokemon, and is the mascot of Pokemon Y. Information technology is classified as the Destruction Pokemon. Yveltal has the ability to absorb life energy, and when its life comes to an end, information technology steals more.

Come on! Xerneas is definitely the WEAKEST POKEMON IN THE UNIVERSE. My to the lowest degree favorite Pokémon is Xerneas and my favorite is Yveltal. Anime but think of it like, "Oh, it represents destruction, death, and villains. It is night type, so it's a bad guy! " How dare they think that! Anybody that says that would become slain by Yveltal's oblivion wing! Yveltal is style stronger than idiotic Xerneas. Reasons: 1) Yveltal fifty-fifty looks libation 2) Bigger and stronger 3) Two types vs i blazon 4) Meliorate moves like Double Squad. Imagine xvi Yveltals verses ane Xerneas 5) Knows Disable. Disable is an assault that stops the opponent from attacking for so many turns without having a secondary effect. 6) (I like this one the most) Xerneas gives life, Yveltal gives decease. Then when they're battling, Xerneas can but give Yveltal more than and more than life and Yveltal tin suck all life outta Xerneas

Probably a good thing it sleeps for five thousand years, the thing does not die! It reaches the stop, saps the life force out of all the living creatures for at least a mile and goes to sleep! Then its repeat and start over!

Technically this is the nearly dangerous Pokémon because if information technology dies the world dies or some crap. Anyways, what you need to know it that yous don't desire to impale him. Or you die
But he will kill you anyways. So this should exist like #ii because Arceus will only life plate to block, just I chose this because it kinda is a kamikaze

Practice y'all people even play Pokemon? It clearly says STRONGEST, not coolest. Stuff like Florges and Goodra are WAY stronger than Charizard (Florges has base stat totals of 552, while Charizard has 534). And then yes, flowers and giant pseudo-legendary goo dinasaurs are stronger than fire-breathing dragons. And a flying Y is 3 times better than an ugly burn down animate dragon who faints when anything uses a stone move.

17 Reshiram Reshiram, known in Japan as the same proper name, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Reshiram NEEDS to be at least no.11 or no.10 on this list, just because Zekrom looks cooler doesn't mean he's any stronger. I believe that Reshiram looks cooler and is just as strong. Based on stats, they both accept a stat total of 680. Both are boilerplate on speed and good with everything else, pregnant they're pretty much the verbal same.

Reshiram and Zekrom are equal forcefulness in the fable plus reshirams total base of operations stat is the exact aforementioned to that of Zekroms which is a 680. And then really they should exist equal tied position. Plus reshiram too has a college sp. Attack and sp. Defense plus on the official rating on serebii out of 200 reshiram is rated 11/200 were as Zekrom is rated 12/200 and that's official rating.
And then in that location'due south my signal do I demand to continue

Did anyone read my last comment near Reshiram? I said that in the pokedex that reshiram has the power to inflame the world with burn down! All it says nigh Zekrom is that its tail is merely a generator. How absurd is Zekrom now? Reshiram should be college ranked than a tail generator Pokemon. Please, please, please vote for Reshiram! -Spino_Fan#1

From 2 years of competitive battling, total box of shinies and competitive ly feasible pokemon in every box I use, I tin can tell you resh scarf beats out zekrom with draco. Here's what I run on a lot of uber teams
Reshiram@choice scarf
four definitely/252 sp.atk/ 252 speed small-scale
Blue flare- no downside insane stab
Draco meteor- beautiful stab move
Fusion flare- don't like missing draco or bluish flare
Subconscious power ground- hit other reshirams
Try it out!

18 Dragonite Dragonite, known in Japan as Kairyu, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

"It has stats that equal more than than arceus'southward"
Dragonite has a base stat total of 600. Arceus has a base of operations stat total of 720. You didn't look at it'southward stats. Let's not deny the cons of dragonite
i. Multiscale is useless with stealth rocks and so common without a spinner/defogger.
2. 4x weakness to ice and what I only said will 1hko garrunteed.
three. Actually outclassed by m-salemence, and mixmence tin can be more than of a threat without relying a spinner for information technology'southward ability to part.
4. Arguably,it's best sweeping move, extreme speed, is an egg move.
I know I'm going to get a lot of thumbs down, only at least I tin tell the total truth, pros and cons.
Also burn boom thunder blizzard etc. Are redundant to information technology's stats. Information technology's a psyical attacker, while those moves are special.
And of course dragonite is the dragon type from gen1,information technology was the only line in that game. Even then it sucked casue it didn't get any dragon moves to take reward of information technology'due south stab, because the but dragon move in gen 1 ...more than

How can 94 people similar the comment about dragonite being a fire, electrical, and flying dragon pokemon. It's dragon/flying! Too, 4x weakness to ice. Hello ice axle, a very mutual motion on water types, a very common type in ou. You could take mulitscale that halfs attack at max hp, buuut, stealth rocks are and so common that it pretty much renders it useless without roost, which takes up a moveslot. Oh, and 1 mors thing, putting thunder burn boom, and whatever flying move you call back works for dragonite, well doesn't. He's a psyical assaulter, and obviously fire blast and thunder ( I'g guessing hurricane? ) are special attacking moves, and not stab either, make a really redundant moveset. Dragon dance, fire punch, dragon claw, and whatsoever psyical move you lot want still won't aid against the everlasting thou-gard and sylveons, that can wall you if defensively invested. Now... Why don't we talk about carracosta?

Seriously. Y'all guys, dragonite had the highest stats too legendaries and megas for a long time. Slaking may have more stats, but slaking has truant which is the nigh useless ability ever. He is a dragon type, and tin acquire tons of extremely powerful moves, has insanely loftier stats. He is besides the signature pokemon of the coolest trainer, lance.

Want a Pokemon with a wide movepool with different types and moves, yet still a lot of moves for STAB? Want a Pokemon that has incredibly good stats and great abilities? Want a Pokemon that isn't used past other people? Use Dragonite. The only bad thing almost it is that it might take a lot of time to train, but honestly, information technology is definitely worth information technology.

19 Ho-Oh Ho-Oh, known in Japan as Houou, is a Legendary Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak'due south Pokémon franchise.

He has monster attack, which is good in it's case. It'due south signature move has about 150 base power with STAB, and a 50% burn hazard, and fifty-fifty go'south access to Heaven Assail, a 140 base ability move with flying STAB. It actually has decent defense! Sadly, it, like many other fellow burn- flying types, suffers a huge touch from Stealth Rock and rock attacks. Sorry Charizard, Moltres, Talonflame, and Ho- Oh! Just the weird function is, in my Heartgold game, I brought in my Ho- Oh in on an incoming Machamp, not thinking of coverage for flight types. I used Fly, not knowing almost No Guard, and it used Stone Slide on me. I thought I screwed up, but and so, Information technology SURVIVED THE Hitting! Then, I crush the league. Thank you HO- OH!

So many people seem to prefer Lugia over Ho-Oh, just I must disagree.
Yous see, Ho-Oh has the ability to revive people and Pokémon- the Legendary Beasts that burned to death in its tower? Ho-Oh revived them with its sacred power.

Some people may laugh and call it a 'flaming Turkey', merely in my opinion, a flaming Turkey > a greasy seagull with man hands.

Oh, and did I mention it brings good luck, too? You don't run into many other 'monday doing that genuinely.

Ho-Oh and Lugia are 2 equally powerful pokemon, with unimaginable power. Ho-Oh and Lugia tin can face an ground forces of Dittos, Mews, Mewtwos, Arceus, and win. The Belfry Duo is arguably the most powerful group of pokemon. Ho-Oh's fire power and Lugia'southward Psychic abilities brand for a powerful, and pretty much indomitable, combo.

Ho-Oh is the most epic Pokemon I accept ever seen in my life. It is a massive phoenix and its signature motility (sacred burn) sounds incredible! I know this is Pokemon but, take you seen Ho-Oh in Minecraft Pixelmon? He looks absolutely EPIC! He is an attack type of Pokemon. Lugia is only a plain ol' defence Pokemon. Delight vote for Ho-Oh!

20 Xerneas Xerneas is a fictional creature in the Pokemon Franchise. Introduced in Gen half dozen, information technology is a legendary Fairy type Pokemon, and the mascot of Pokemon X. Classified every bit the Life Pokemon, Xerneas has the ability to give eternal life, which occurs when the horns on its head polish in vii lights. When its life more than.

Xerneas is pretty OP with its' ability Fairy Aura, which boosts Fairy blazon moves, like the pop and powerful Moonblast, and if you give it a Power Herb, and apply Geomancy, information technology'll boost its' Speed, Special Attack and Special Defence force. Information technology will, no joke, DECIMATE opponents. Information technology'll also take not as much damage due to its' enhanced Special Defence, which I think is really neat.

I really similar this Pokemon, and it's pretty good competitively, so it's your man (well, it'south genderless, but whatever ) in a pinch.

Do you people even play Pokemon? It clearly says STRONGEST, non coolest. Stuff like Florges and Goodra are WAY stronger than Charizard (Florges has base of operations stat totals of 552, while Charizard has 534). So aye, flowers and giant pseudo-legendary goo dinasaurs are stronger than fire-breathing dragons. And a rainbow deer is over iii times better than an ugly burn down breathing dragon who faints when anything uses a rock movement.

Actually, Xerneas is incredible. With its fairy aureola + Moonblast, almost all Pokemon can be finished off in 2 moves. Xerneas is a slap-up go-to Pokemon. Peculiarly if you don't know what Pokemon is up adjacent, information technology tin acquire moves that volition be effective against all types.

Xerneas can literally create life! The whole world is under her control! Doesn't that scream powerful? Sure Arceus might also be powerful, merely tin can Arceus create life? I didn't think so! This is one powerful pokemon!

21 Tyranitar Tyranitar, known in Japan as Bangiras, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Tyranitar is simply 21. Well he deserves more than than this I mean seriously. Whoever wrote this list should put it college. Also fun fact if in that location was a pokemon with every single blazon it would only be weak to rock. I'g not joking my dudes. Betoken, Tyranitar!

Seriously! Only xx. Tyranitar is such a beast. he could destroy annihilation and everything. shut up ditto, I know you tin turn into anything but information technology is anything that tyranitar could crush by lifting just a finger. when he rampages, he knocks down entire mountains and buries rivers, maps too have to be redrawn subsequently that. he is half dozen foot 7 inches and he can completely change the landscape. that is the definition of a strong Pokemon right at that place (kyogre is well-nigh as strong, but I have this unwritten rule virtually using legendary Pokemon for battling in the games). Tyranitar is and always volition be my favorite Pokemon. it volition never change mostly because I don't really like gen. v or half-dozen as well much

What come on 22? The world is broken crusade this guy. This guy. He could destroy mount Everest in a couple of seconds and y'all put him on 22. Really people. He is my favorite nighttime type Pokemon and he tin can destroy Lugia and Mewtwo according to the types. Of course he has weakness but being a pseudo legendary is of import!

Tyranitar is the biggest pimp always... If you put a wall of gash in front of it, it simply slays each one, one at a fourth dimension, saw information technology once take a fight with the big human... Aser, and safe to say Aser won, but tyranitar is nonetheless beast.

22 Key Kyogre

Honestly, if Groudon and Kyogre actually were to fight (not in the games); nobody would win. I mean, Kyogre has the advantage to obliterate Groudon but then again the abilities between the ii say as well. With both Primodial Bounding main and Desolate Land competing with each other, the attacks wouldn't be every bit efficient as the abilities make information technology. Each weakening Water and Fire moves. And then as a result the battle would last forever. Typically this is why Rayquaza is the ane to tame them both before they eventually destroy the earth,leading to the battle being unfinished.

How can a Primal Kyogre be this low Come up ON. His accuracy is unmatched by any other pokemon, his attack is super high by itself, and Drizzle boosts information technology fifty-fifty farther.
180 Sp. Att. is SUPER ridiculous by itself, drizzle increases by 50% and likewise lasts unlimited amount of turns. Not to mention STAB makes him even crazier.
100% accurateness at full healthy which hits both of the opponent's Pokemon...
His Water Spout tin can beat practically anybody it does absurd amounts of damage information technology basically one shots about everything, combine that with 100% acc. and you get Cardinal Kyogre.
At least Meridian 5.

Primal kyogre is stronger than fundamental groudon and heres why.
1 we all know central groudon turns into a burn and basis type and kyogre stays a water type which gives it a four times power reward.
2 fundamental kyogres ability that makes it rain for the entire battle and this rain can not be stopped not even by central groudon.
three since primal groudon is a fire and ground type y'all would wait it to have burn and footing moves which is not very effective against a h2o type like primal kyogre

Central Groudon is so much better it can. Sweep an entire team with earthquake, and information technology as well has solar axle that goes for ane plough to fight of all water Pokemon.

23 Fundamental Groudon

In my opinion Central Groudon is very close to Mega Rayquaza. Clearly lots of people voted on preference or before ORAS came out. Mega Rayquaza is #one, Central Groudon is #two, so Mewtwo Y, so everyone else. If you haven't played with this beast, you're missing out big fourth dimension. Desolate Land is an absolutely OP ability, this dude is a animate being.

Should be superlative ten hands. It can wreck ever thing. If its you first Pokemon it tin can take out any Pokemon. It can fifty-fifty learn dragon pulse. For a burn ground type it has decent speed and information technology can be used as a tank or an attacker. Depending on the moves you put on information technology.

Wow. This low? This is bulky, and can dish out some amazing damage with Precipice Blades. Information technology's ability boosts burn type attacks, and makes it immune to it'south 4x weakness, water. This matter is OP.

I like this Pokemon because of his powers and his look is like I volition light you on fire then throw lava at your face.

24 Ditto Ditto, known in Japan every bit Metamon, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

Like Zoroark, Ditto tin transform into any pokemon, therefore, giving information technology the same pokemon of your opponent, making nearly whatsoever battle unfair.

No only tin can Ditto transform into any POKEMON it wants to, information technology tin transform into any Affair it wants to. Aka, it could become your bed, your firm, your boondocks/city, your country, the globe, the solar system, the galaxy, the UNIVERSE. A group of Ditto could replace your friends and family. A Ditto could supervene upon you. Every time yous walk anywhere, that rock? It's a Ditto. That stick? It's a Ditto. That grain of sand? That speck of clay? That speck of dust? Dittos. Y'all are walking on a Ditto. You are looking at Dittos. YOU ARE A DITTO.

Non convinced? A Ditto could transform into a blackness hole, killing everything. If that's not powerful, I don't know what is.

Ditto and Mewtwo shouldn't be considered Pokemon. They were both created. Both of them were supposed to exist Mew. Ane turned into Mewtwo and the other turned into Ditto. My point is that they were created and Pokemon are not created past man. Some people merits that they saw Pokemon, just ordinarily it's a true cat with yellow paint with long imitation Pikachu ears. That picayune costume was made by a person and it is non a real Pokemon. Well I'chiliad not certain if this is true, only this is just my fiddling theory.

Ditto is arguably the most powerful pokemon! I don't know why it's all the manner down hither. It tin transform into Annihilation (including inatimate objects- in that location'south a pokemon data entry that says it transforms into stone while it sleeps for protection) even Arceus! It can also mimic ATTACKS! That means if it preformed solar beam while in Deoxys class, it could beat anything!

25 Scizor Scizor, known in Japan as Hassam, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.

What, scizor is merely i of the nearly perfect pokémon e'er!
Bug/steel blazon, only calendar week to fire, can larn about every high priority movement and has Technician! Even with is lost of speed (compared to his pre-evo), he can strike first with a hell of an attack power... And if he uses swords dance, babe he is invincible. Ever tried to utilise a 1hp scizor with 3 stages of swords dance and the reversal (I think it is this one) assault? And if you had one stage agility to him, he is indestructible. And believe me, with a speed team like ninjask, furret and others with agility, swords trip the light fantastic toe and baton pass, a technician scizor with, reversal, quick attack, bullet punch and pursuit/swords trip the light fantastic toe, and with that item that, if he is attack by a burn down motion (with total hp), information technology tin can survive with 1hp, congratulations, you win the game. (best strategy, ninjask/furret/other, one agility and one swords dance, with substitute for support, and then baton laissez passer (with substitute), i swords dance with scizor (opponent ...more

130 power, adept defense, swords trip the light fantastic toe basically makes him go apes*information technology.
Information technology tin can beat most pokemon thanks to crawly type neutralization.
He has a technician and is probably going to strike first.
I mean at least put him in front of Blastoise and Pikachu.

Scizor is the best! Everybody says Charizard is the all-time, simply scizor could defeat Charizard whatsoever day!

I feel this Pokemon DESERVES a college rating.

He/she is the only one that makes razor current of air worth while


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